No man is an island
John Donne (1572-1631)
Jacky Sherman’s Story
I spent my childhood on the move, never in one place for longer than 2 years and often moving every six months. So I was constantly in unfamiliar territory, surrounded by strangers and often lost both physically and in how to act in this new environment. As a result when as a teenager we moved to England I was spectacularly unsuccessful in breaking into established friendship groups and was often very lonely. Until I joined the Red Cross, where I found it easy to make friends in a community which shared ideals and a common sense of purpose.
My career in the RAF and National Health Service strengthened that belief in the power of the community. As Chief executive of the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in particular I was privileged to work with teams of specialists who by combining their knowledge and skills worked together to achieve miracles on a day to day basis.
Over the years I have added to that experience through my education in coaching , mediation and group facilitation alongside my NHS Chief Executives development programme and an Msc in Social Research. The main thing I learnt from this is to have the humility to seek out others who have the expertise I need.
My own core skill is to translate that expertise into a form that resonates uniquely with each of my clients as that is when they get the true learning that leads to success.
This stood me in good stead when I left the NHS in 2002 and set up as a Leadership coach in the commercial world. Once again I was in unfamiliar territory, surrounded by strangers and lost in how to again the clients I need. I joined Asentiv as a client and quickly found it to have the same sense of purpose and ideals .This stood me in good stead when I left the NHS in 2002 and set up as a Leadership coach in the commercial world. Once again I was in unfamiliar territory, surrounded by strangers and lost in how to gain the clients I needed.
I joined Asentiv as a client and the technqiues I learnt turned my onw buisness around. The Reason I bought into the companye was I quickly found it to have that ethos of community with the same sense of purpose and ideals.
That we are only truly successful in business and life when we harness the talents of each of us and work together.
My other interest outside but influences my work is as a Trustee of the Green Business Network, a local group of business people dedicated to helping everyone make the changes needed to build a sustainable future for our children. And apart from that leading a quiet and gentle life supported by and supporting my wonderful husband , my son and the boss of our household, my German shepherd dog.
Get my take on the world of referral marketing.
Jacky The Author
For the last 3 years I have written a weekly blog on a variety of subjects designed to stimulate deeper thinking in my readers around referral marketing and relationships in general. Writing every week is a challenge but one I enjoy. I draw heavily on the real experiences, success and concerns of the people I know and work with. They are my own views, experience and reading around the subject in question, some serious and others taking a lighter look at the subject.
What I like about this style of writing is that it is far more dynamic than a book. I have a loyal readership who share my blog far and wide which has led to some interesting conversations with people with a diverse range of views on the subject.
Read my blog here
Jacky The Speaker
I enjoy public speaking and am happiest when this means I can engage the audience directly with some active participation. I love having to react in the moment to the real life scenarios that emerge directly from the audience, especially if it is done with an element of fun. It is not unlike being a game show host.
Jacky The Coach
Referral marketing can seem simple but it’s not easy. I combine mentoring with coaching to ensure my clients get the right knowledge and then find the best way to apply that in their own style. This means they put the techniques into practice until it becomes just the way they do business. For me, it’s about finding the key that unlocks the potential in each individual whether I’m working with them individually or in a group.
In just ten minutes this fairy story will turn your networking into a business strategy that ends in “happy ever after”.
In 30 minutes a thought-provoking look at the full possibilities your whole network has for generating referrals for you. Plus some audience participation in a sure fire way to generate that next referral.
A 3 hour facilitated session. Relationships always drive improvement in your business and this session works through how to align your Brand, Sales & Service delivery and Business Culture by focusing on your Company; Customers; Product/Service offer; Staff & partners. Using mind mapping techniques, participants are able to map their current and expected situation and identify gaps. The session includes a simple exercise to understand your current goals and how you market towards achieving them.